We have an excellent track record in representing Osteopaths facing both preliminary proceedings before the Investigating Committee [IC] and, if the case is referred to the Professional Conduct Committee [PCC], at that hearing. We have received recommendations for work from the British Osteopathic Association and we are on DAS legal expenses insurers panel of approved solcitiors appointed through brokers Balens. We believe we are seen as the 'go to' legal team for Osteopaths professional disciplnary defence and have taken over cases started by other firms of solicitors.
Whatever form of legal expenses insurance you have you should remember you have the freedom of choice of lawyers to represent you. This is protected by law, see our article on Legal Expenses Insurance.Your household insruance policy may cover you. If you are not insured we can offer practical and realistic advice and agree a tailored costing to suit your budget.
John Williams is recognised as a leading expert in band 1 of the specialist field of Professional Disciplinary work and was formerly a legal assessor for the GOsC. Feel free to call him on 0207 407 2356 for a no obligation chat if you are facing a complaint from a patient or GOsC proceedings. Instructing us in the early stages of the proceedings can be important for two main reasons
- The written observations you make at the Investigating Committee stage can be crucial in persuading the Investigating Committee to take no further action thus saving you from the stress and expense of preparing for and attending a formal disciplinary hearing not to mention the risk to your career from an averse finding.
- if your case is referred to the Professional Conduct Committee, what you have put in your written observations to the Investigating Committee may come back to haunt you at the PCC stage.
For these reasons if you have received a complaint from the GOsC at the Investigating Committee stage, don't delay, give us a call.
Situated close to London Bridge and the home of Osteopathy in the UK we are ideally placed to provide specialist and yet local legal representation.
If your case is referred to the PCC It is important that you have faith in the whole team who will deal with your case and that they are regarded as experts in their field by the panels who will be considering your case. We will consult and liaise with you about the experts we put forward to assist with your case. Rest assured the barristers and osteopath experts we suggest to you will be of the highest calibre. We will fight your case tenaciously to protect your rights and your career. However, we will also give you realistic advice to maximise your chances of achieving your objectives. Relevant Links/articles: